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Книга Smart Business Metrics. Measure What Really Counts and Manage What Makes the Difference/ Продуктивные бизнес-показатели

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  • Код: 121034
Книга Smart Business Metrics. Measure What Really Counts and Manage What Makes the Difference/ Продуктивные бизнес-показатели
Книга Smart Business Metrics. Measure What Really Counts and Manage What Makes the Difference/ Продуктивные бизнес-показателиГотово до відправки
498 ₴100 ₴
+380 (95) 695-41-68
+380 (95) 695-41-68
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207 pages. A CEO receives a full bonus in a year when the share price fell by 70%. Why? Because the remuneration committee say he has met all his operating targets. Have the right operating targets been set?If you are going to manage by numbers, make sure they are the right ones.Understanding your organizations key performance drivers is crucial to the success of your business. Too often, the wrong operating targets are set, and bad targets can bring bad performance.Smart Business Metrics provides the tools that will enable you to make strategic decisions based on factual analysis. It shows how smart metrics can produce joined-up management to allow all parts of your business to work together to create value for the firm. Smart Business Metrics will- help you understand your organizations key performance drivers show you how to set the right targets and measures for your business enable you to apply quantitative measures to the behaviour of your managers, customers and employees allow you to make financial and operational decisions provide you with the tools to enable you to make strategic decisions based on factual analysis. ISBN:0273663968 (#)(*)(@)
Кількість сторінок208
Вид палітуркиМ'який
Рік видання2004
Користувацькі характеристики
АвторBob Phelps
Доставка/ОплатаТермін доставки 24 години
Код Товару121034
НазваКнига Smart Business Metrics. Measure What Really Counts and Manage What Makes the Difference / Продуктивні бізнес-показачі
Типдруковане видання
Формат155х234 мм
Мова виданняEnglish
Інформація для замовлення
  • Ціна: 100 ₴

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