Книга Poses for Fashion Illustration (Card Box): 100 essential figure template cards for designers (Eng.)
1 616 ₴
- Готово до відправки
- Код: 4435818
+380 (95) 695-41-68
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Are you looking for the perfect fashion templates to capture your creativity? Fashionary have seen the stiff, impractical fashion templates available, and come up with a modern alternative. Their set of 100 pose cards are accurately proportioned, with practical poses that cover basic style to couture to sportswear - even including a built-in filing system to accommodate the busy fashion professional. The guide book includes detailed step by step demonstrations of fashion sketching, beautifully drawn by fashion illustrator Connie Lim. (@)
Основні атрибути | |
ISBN | 9789887711056 |
Вид палітурки | М'який |
Рік видання | 2019 |
Стан | Новий |
Користувацькі характеристики | |
Доставка/Оплата | Термін доставки до 2 робочих днів. |
Код Товару | 4435818 |
Назва | Книга Poses for Fashion Illustration (Card Box): 100 essential figure template cards for designers (Eng.) |
Тип | друковане видання |
Формат | 108x215x50 мм |
Мова видання | English |
Інформація для замовлення
- Ціна: 1 616 ₴